What Can I Do?


What Can I Do? ⋆

  • Contact your Mortgage Provider

    Provided in the link is a template letter for you to edit to suit your circumstances. Remember to always include your full name and address, and account number.

    Mortgage Provider Template

  • Contact your local MP

    Your MP works for you! Use the template in the link to express your need for support in pressuring the Treasury for a solution to the devastating mortgage prisoner situation. As a guide send them the latest briefing published in the House of Common’s library for reference.

    MP Template

    House of Commons Briefing

  • Contact HM Treasury

    It is now publicly known that the Mortgage Prisoner scandal was a Government caused one. It is essential as a Mortgage Prisoner victim you contact HM Treasury, and demand solutions as a matter of urgency. We have created a template letter for you to edit, and use.

    Treasury Template

  • Contact the Regulators

    The lack of committed, successful solutions from the regulators is frustrating. The FCA, and UK Finance the trade body for mortgage providers, both need to stand up to the unfair treatment handed out by these companies. Please send the letter below to express your disappointment in their attitude of ignoring the bad practice in the industry.

    Regulator Letter

  • Contact Members of The House of Lords

    Provided in the following link is a template letter for you to email to members of The House of Lords, asking for support of the mortgage prisoner rates amendment in the upcoming Financial Services & Marketing Bill. Please add any of your own situation, and what a cap to the SVR would mean to you.

    Template letter to contact member of Lords

    For contact details of peers, please find details in the link below. Remember to always follow the guidance on addressing Lords members.

    Find Members of The House of Lords

    Addressing members of the Lords

Useful Email Addresses

Mortgage Providers
Find the email or contact details via your mortgage provider’s website, or from correspondence received from them.

Your MP
Click on find my mp, and simply type in your own postcode to find the contact details of your local MP.